Note: If you have signed up using Google, you do not need to verify your email.
If you haven't received your account verification email, please follow these steps:
- Check your spam or junk folder. Sometimes verification emails are mistakenly filtered as spam.
- Check other email folders, such as "Promotions" or "Updates" if you use Gmail or a similar service with automatic categorization.
- Wait a few minutes and refresh your inbox. Sometimes there can be a slight delay in email delivery.
- Double-check that you entered your email address correctly when signing up.
- If you're using a company or school email address, check with your IT department to ensure emails from our domain aren't being blocked.
If you've tried all these steps and still can't find the verification email, please contact our support team at When reaching out, please include:
- The email address you used to sign up
- The approximate time you created your account
- Any error messages you may have encountered
Our support team will be happy to assist you in verifying your account.
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